XL ELITE Fitness

Personal Training for the individual that has the drive but lacks the direction and knowledge. Using functional movements as the basis for al development.

Fitness, health and happiness are all linked. What is the definition of health? The dictionary states that health is the absence of sickness. I disagree, health should be the measure of how fit you are. So the scale should start at sickness, then wellness ending in fitness. Question is where do you sit in this scale? In the last ten years the human race has made leaps and bounds in the areas of fitness and nutrition. Join me in the quest to find new and exciting ways to train better, smarter, and fresh tasty ways to fuel your body. And always remember, there are no quick fixes, so we must understand and enjoy our lifestyle in order to continue our quest.

XL Elite runs programs for groups and individuals of all athletic levels. Ceo and founder of XL ELITE Fitness, Alan Chan holds national medals in 200m, 250m, 500m Dragon boats. He is currently a personal trainer and crossfit coach based out of Boxhq in five dock.

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